Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pros and Cons of Dating Fictional Guys

So here's my first post EVER and I want to talk about the best fictional guys to date if fiction ever comes to life (How I wish.) Any guy portrayed in any movie, book, comic or TV series is allowed. And here's my list.

1. Luke Skywalker

Okay, this isn't Mark Hamill but you get the picture.


His mom was Padme Amidala former Queen of Naboo and former senator (not like the ones we have anyway) and his dad was Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, to *SPOILERS* (But, I am your father) the evil Sith Lord, Darth Vader. Obi Wan Kenobi gave him to his Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru. He grew up wanting to a fighter pilot but was stuck in the moisture farm. He then went on an extended fieldtrip (which resulted in the deaths of Uncle Ben and Aunt Beru) with driods R2-D2 and 3PO and Obi Wan which resulted in him meeting his dad, kissing his sister and losing his hand.

Saved the universe with his sister and best friend. Jedi Master. Father of Ben Skywalker (in the Expanded Universe anyway.)


Oh come on. Simple farm boy to intergalactic hero. What's NOT to love?


Has a robotic hand and the fact that he looks like this now:
No offense Mark, we love you but we love Luke more.

2. Batman

He makes a grandfather clock bad ass any day.
Bruce Wayne comes from a well respected and wealthy family. But misfortune struck when he and his parents were mugged and then shot. Their family's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, then raised him while he trained to become stronger, wiser and smarter. He became Batman; the Dark Knight; the World's Greatest Detective; a vigilante at night guarding Gotham City and millionaire (later billionaire), playboy, philanthropist in the day. While being Batman he had several Robins who served as his sidekicks which then sparked the birth of a bigger Bat-Family.


Had lots of girlfriends but never found the right one. Had a kid with Talia Al-Ghul who died (RIP Damian Wayne.) Supposedly died then came back to life. Now works with former Robins and Batgirls: Nightwing, Black Bat, Red Robin, etc...


He's the GODDAMN BATMAN for Pete's sake. His alter ego Bruce Wayne is a billionaire AND a good guy. Plus the actors who portrayed him are pretty good looking (ehem, ehem... Christian Bale)


He's just too devoted to his cause and caught up in all the drama. And that incident with the Bat Nipples. (Re: Lots of girlfriends that didn't work out. And again dead parents.)

He's still pretty UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLY awesome.
3. Augustus Waters

Aww, gotta love the sweet and frank types.
He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at a young age and lost his right leg to the disease. He loves video games, in particular Counterinsurgence 2: The Price of Dawn and the novelizations of the game. He is also an ex-basketball player and amputee. He meets Hazel  at the support group her parents make her go to.

Short story short, Augustus and Hazel fall in love with each other, they go to Amsterdam, Netherlands to visit reclusive author Peter Van Houten, have *toooooooot* and when they come back Augustus tells Hazel that his cancer has come back and *SPOILERS* he dies just before the end of the book.

He's such a sweet and outspoken guy who speaks well. He's funny and is the first to call Hazel by Hazel Grace. And he lets Hazel on his Genie wish and they go to Amsterdam, I mean, he's that kind of guy. Plus he's being portrayed by Ansel Elgort in the movie!

He's up there somewhere watching over Hazel and waiting for them to be together again.

The feels are all mixed up now.
4. Richard Castle
His books aren't the only thing that are hot.

He writes crime novels and lives in the NYC. When a killer copies the method he uses in one of his books he joins the NYPD investigation tagging alongside Detective Kate Beckett. He is a wisecracker and is the father of Alexis, his only daughter from three wives.

He and Beckett solve crimes through his author-ial thinking and her sharp instincts. They form an attraction and bond towards each other and ultimately fall in love.

Funny, creative and somewhat immature; he's fun to have around. And the fact that he's an AUTHOR, a person who writes books AND a successful one too. I mean, you don't get to date New York's Bestselling author everyday (they're all usually married.)

As I said, immature to the point of annoyance. He also works with the cops so he's spelling DANGER: DO NOT DATE. And he's mixing up all the feels between the women in his life: his mom, his daughter, Beckett, and the series of ex-wives.


5. Four (Tobias Eaton)
It's Tobias "Four" Eaton
He was born in Abnegation (read the book) to Evelyn and Marcus Eaton. His dad noticed his divergence at an early age. His mom left his dad after having an affair (although it was covered up by the story of her death.) He fell to the hands of his abusive father and left him to join the Dauntless.

He becomes Dauntless leader and one of the trainers of the new recruits. He meets Beatrice "Tris" Prior who was born in Abnegation but choose to join the Dauntless instead. He is most of the time concerned and observant of her which later leads to a steady romance between the two. They lead what's left of their city into a revolution against the corrupt Erudite in the second book.

He brave, tough and will be willing to protect you even if it cost his own life. He's the broken kind of bad boy. *SPOILERS* Theo James.

Coming from a emotionally unstable family isn't always that good. Plus he always seems to be just watching you like he's testing you. And he's kinda hard to read.

It's like he's staring into your soul.
6. Gale Hawthorne

Whoa. Just. WHOA.
He lives in District 12, the mining district, and he is the oldest child in his family. He has three younger sibling and his father died in the same mining accident where Katniss Everdeen's father also died. To help his mom with everyday life, he became a poacher and sold whatever animals he caught to their local black market. He met Katniss when she was 12 and he was 14.

They become closer to each other and become best friends. Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games and he is forced to watch Katniss stage a romance with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark in order to survive. Long story short, he falls in love with Katniss who doesn't know who to choose, their relationship becomes more romantic yet complex due to the war and inflicting moral compasses (not exactly but read the books.) In the end, Katniss chooses Peeta and Gale moves to District 2 for his new 'fancy job.'

He a rebel and visionary in the truest sense and he's greatly devoted to any cause he willing to fight for. He's smart and practical (and good looking.) And he's single. (KYAAAAAA)

He was kinda responsible for the death of hundreds of children from the Capitol (including Katniss' sister Prim.) And he has this "by-all-means" way which was because of the war.

Gale Hawthorne. Rebel. Soldier. Friend.
Suck it up and date real guys. We aren't lucky as the fictional ladies. But most of the guys here are emotional and have enemies, so yeah.
That's about it for now... Unless somebody creates more fictional guys...

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